Season 27 Teams

Name (Captain)LogoSeed
2TangosPlease (George, It's James)657363
Amused Roar (Gordon)111
High MMR Type Beat (Delukasor)2342
Schrodinger's Team (ksed)54
Sk8r Pos Tue (Big Al)7777
Sloppy Topy (Topy)9999
Team ArkLoch (Arctes Lord of Cinder)123123123
Tegridy (You Killed Kenny!)7878
alc (Alc)6161
carbonyl (Carbonyl)112345
celtic crew (Celtic)12
d0c (D0c Hammer)1234123123
dr nykterstein (DrNykterstein)71
imphatic (Imphatic)51
isaachan (isaachan)413097134
jopa (Jopa46)16353
mercii (Mercii)69
mipz (Gucci Mane Love Javascript)98
rigged by badmin (Genuine Maple Syrup)11119879
sk8r (lost in the fog)141