Season 30 PST-WED Players

#NameAvatarRankDotabuff / OpendotaStatementActivity Check?
73Dotabuff / OpenDotaheyyyyyyyy
72Dotabuff / OpenDotawow doomcow has…wow doomcow has the rd2l admins role but not me this says a lot about society
3Clare ❤ Teresa
62Dotabuff / OpenDotaWill play 3/4/5…Will play 3/4/5 all in the exact same way. Also can draft and give head
63Dotabuff / OpenDotaToday my father…Today my father asked me to clean his car for him and so I spent the whole morning doing it. After sometimes, I went back inside and my father asked me how was the car looking. "Polo” I just replied. He just smiled and nodded. He knew that it was washed
43Dotabuff / OpenDotaCurrently on…Currently on Dota sabbatical after the worst losing streak of my life, expect me to be slightly washed up. Pretty open to playing any role this season but best at 1 or 3.
0Dotabuff / OpenDotaPMA 3/4/5
63Dotabuff / OpenDotaNifuji — Today…Nifuji — Today at 2:05 PM You’re banned Phoenix — Today at 2:08 PM ez DoomCow33 — Today at 2:11 PM @Phoenix i unbanned you. Now you are cursed to play Nifuji — Today at 2:41 PM Well you heard the man, you’re playing gskw — Today at 2:56 PM @Phoenix i banned you again. Now you are free nifuhi — Today at 3:00 PM i have unbanned phoenix Buck — Today at 4:49 PM Phoenix is perma unbanned, sentenced to endure the suffering of pst-wed perpetually
63Dotabuff / OpenDotaPretty…Pretty available. Down to play whatever
41Dotabuff / OpenDotaI need a yellow…I need a yellow name so I can finally uninstall this wretched game for good.
63Dotabuff / OpenDotajust like an…just like an fyi, cuz i know i struggle with this, the 9 by your name on the div sheet is not actually a 4, i myself have terrible handwriting so it's really hard for me or anyone really to tell the difference between my 9's and 4's so i think you might have a similiar issue! if ur struggling to figure out ur placing sometimes the easiest thing is to count from the top because 1's are just really hard to mess up font handwriting or otherwise! goodluck with your wildcard/ only chance to be in pla
45Dotabuff / OpenDotaSupport player.…Support player. Don't grief yourself thinking I can play core
0Dotabuff / OpenDota4/5, I tend to…4/5, I tend to spam heroes so I don't have too big of a pool.
73Dotabuff / OpenDotaI was paid in…I was paid in cat emotes to play in this league , Will play mid or carry (Ideally Id play whatever of the two im not playing in PST SUN)
42Dotabuff / OpenDotaCore
71Dotabuff / OpenDotaMy offlane…My offlane badge is actually ancient 2.
61Dotabuff / OpenDotaPMA old man…PMA old man gamer who took a few seasons off to focus on work, and raising my mmr in solo ranked games after recalibrating so low. I will always prefer/enjoy pos 4, but pos 3 has been working in my mmr climb quite well and I am enjoying the extra farm priority I get. I was always known as a greedy pos 4.
54Dotabuff / OpenDota
80Dotabuff / OpenDotaNo scrims 1…No scrims 1 only
63Dotabuff / OpenDotahttps://cdn.dis…
20Space Cowboy
0Dotabuff / OpenDotaI have been…I have been playing a lot of pos 4, been liking NP, Skywrath, Warlock, Invoker, Jakiro, Earth shaker, Clinkz lately
52Dotabuff / OpenDotamid player…mid player usually but happy to play any pos that is not offlane
22darth pikachu
72Dotabuff / OpenDotaprobably, most…probably, most very likely, undoubtedly, seemingly want me as a support. im open to trying core (pos1 or pos3) this season but i would be learning im really bad at it so bid accordingly (maximum double digits) signing up for est-tues, pst-wed & ad2l (thursdays).
34Dotabuff / OpenDota5 player. Check…5 player. Check out my win rates and hero pool.
24RedBridge meta changer
0Dotabuff / OpenDotaI have done…I have done Tuesday league last 2 times and will be doing both this season!
73Dotabuff / OpenDotagachagamer…gachagamer player here perfer 1 or maybe 3 but i mode suck my duck.
45Dotabuff / OpenDota4/5 player,…4/5 player, definitely more comfortable on 5. Have played in Tuesday leagues in the past.
0Dotabuff / OpenDotaMainly a pos 1…Mainly a pos 1 player but I'm comfortable on other roles to flex.
54Dotabuff / OpenDotaDotABuff:…DotABuff: I can play pretty much any role except 5 efficiently. Used to grind hard as a mid back in 2015-2018 and started playing again recently where I calibrated at 4k. Playing mostly 1/3/4 nowadays but I have no set role. PMA always, looking for good comms and a team to bond with; open to practice as much as possible. I work 8-5pm during the week from home so I can be on at 5:01-11pm PST. Weekends I'm down to grind all day.
80Dotabuff / OpenDotaNo intention of…No intention of playing dota outside of this league. Would like to play offlane or pos 1. Will play pos 4/5 if desperate (also will request grief heroes). Package deal with Dezerted.
44Dotabuff / OpenDotaProbs gonna be…Probs gonna be playing EST-SUN and AD2L this season. No alts, I basically quit playing pubs so it's officials/scrims/inhouses only for the foreseeable future. Prefer 3/4/5 but will play 1 if required.
61Dotabuff / OpenDotaWashed up, old,…Washed up, old, and anti-value, don't play mid but comfortable enough with any other role.
80Dotabuff / OpenDotaWashed up…Washed up player
33Timber Hearth
0Dotabuff / OpenDota don't feel… don't feel myself today. That means someone else is f-f-feeling me OOOOOOOO Self feel n-n-nice OOO-OOO-OOO Self Self - does it exist? With an 'H', it becomes 'H-self'. I'll just place that thought on the H-shelf, under tsermuY FRI-TA-TA Is 'self' a delusion brought on by the autoerotic asphyxiations of the obdurate soul-keeper? If I don't eat, I'm gon' die! Then I will spill out the seeds of my bone, and you can eat on those. Then, you will be the bone-ee, and I will be you
0Dotabuff / OpenDotawill be playing…will be playing mondays aswell. I would prefer to only play 4 i dont mind subbing as a 5. Underdog O:)
72Dotabuff / OpenDotaPACKAGE DEAL…PACKAGE DEAL with Dezerted ty. my mmr is 4233. I had exactly 0 scrims last season. Pos 5 only. Warning: if you draft supports with higher mmr than your cores, I WILL abandon and tank the ban.
43Dotabuff / OpenDotai am fish; i…i am fish; i die outside of my puddle
44Dotabuff / OpenDotaLove dota, hate…Love dota, hate soloq. 3/4 player mostly but made semifinals playing p5 last season so I can't be that bad, right?.... right?
80Dotabuff / OpenDotammr is a…mmr is a lie. kinda wanna play pos 1
61Dotabuff / OpenDota…
80Dotabuff / OpenDota
65Dotabuff / OpenDotaback to back to…back to back to back rd2l finalist
42new couch day
54Dotabuff / OpenDotai pos 5. signed…i pos 5. signed up for both tues and weds
0Dotabuff / OpenDotaFor the love of…For the love of god, don't talk to me about meta.
72Dotabuff / OpenDotazzz
45Dotabuff / OpenDotap4 only
46Rice Boi
80Dotabuff / OpenDotaNO SCRIMS MID…NO SCRIMS MID OR CARRY, Just got back from a 3 month bender in europe. Currently mic is broken from throwing it against the wall. DO NOT MESH WELL WITH CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS. add me on @emocvst to talk anime omae wa mou shindeiru, NANI?
65Dotabuff / OpenDotaOld rustbucket.…Old rustbucket. Willing to play any role, would prefer 3 or 4 but down to flex as much as we need to not break. Chillin like a villian
63Dotabuff / OpenDotaidk prefer 1/2
74Dotabuff / OpenDotaxdxdxd washed…xdxdxd washed 6k support tinker player :)))
73Dotabuff / OpenDotaCock
63Dotabuff / OpenDotaUnga D. Bunga
0Dotabuff / OpenDotaI will be…I will be playing in ad2l on thursdays 9 est. I would like to play 1/3, pos1 preferred.
53Binary Boi
0Dotabuff / OpenDotaNot participati…Not participating in any other leagues.
0Dotabuff / OpenDotaI am Bunguy the…I am Bunguy the fun guy. 6k immortal offlaner willing to play almost everything and shotcall. Have experience palying with players way above my level, so have a good understanding of the game on a technical level and mechanical level.
35Dotabuff / OpenDota
56Empty Cloud
61Dotabuff / OpenDota