Position 1…Position 1 player, not really open to playing other roles. Looking for fun and strong players, I will be vocal in the draft if not designated as a drafter.
Hi I'm Pony.…Hi I'm Pony. Dedicated support player. Lots of experience in Sunday night and moving into my second season on Tuesday night. Signing up for stand in only. The more heads up you can give me before you need me to play the more sober I can be.
Support player…Support player Preferred 5 but can play any of the support role. i can play basically any hero support. just check me out https://www.dotabuff.com/players/419553605
I played AD2L last season but haven't found a team yet. I am available from monday to thursday.
4k mmr. Prefer…4k mmr. Prefer mid, but willing to play other roles as needed. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/53704883 - no alt accounts. Willing to captain/draft if needed, but do not have prior experience playing in a league.
New to leagues!…New to leagues! I've been playing dota for 7 years (on and off). Recently have been grinding solo queue ranked after switching to support (4 and 5) and these are the roles I'm most confident in now. My only account: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/358688175