EST-SUN Season 14 Series

WeekHome Team NameHome Team LogoHome Team PointsAway Team PointsAway Team LogoAway Team NameMatch 1Match 2Forfeit Match 1?Forfeit Match 2?
8It's not a Phase, Mom (Phase.)11IKEA (skkip)LinkLinkNoneNone
8Flox n' Furies (Melliflox)20STACK AND PULL (NEAR)LinkLinkNoneNone
8Anthony Fantano Here! (Xccepted)20Bend over for the Clock (Shea Dr.)LinkLinkNoneNone
8Emilio Esteveeesstehves (DARERFANGAY)11Traps Aren't Gay (Zypher)LinkLinkNoneNone
85 baboons 1 yeti (Cloudy)11Big Billy's Bulging Banana Boys (Badger)N/ALinkNoneNone
8LULagon and The Infinity Pebbles (Nullagon)02Deja Vu! (ChiD)LinkLinkNoneNone
8HIT IT& CRIT IT (腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 黄)20nuttybuttys 3.0 (nuttypizza)LinkLinkNoneNone
8Special Scoopa Sauce (g-money )11TEAM Reester (Dark Smoke)LinkLinkNoneNone
8Vikings (Mikel)20Colin and his Illegitimate Sons (Colin)LinkLinkNoneNone
8Foreskin: A Screaming Comes Across the Sky (CAPTAIN GOTARD)114 Pants and 1 Zipper (Zphyr)N/AN/ANoneNone
8Preparation HHH (null)20Cloud 10 (TheJohan)N/AN/AAwayAway
8PMA Gaming (USSGuam)20The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test (pacer)LinkLinkNoneNone
8Strider and the Archons (Cooper)11> Game is hard (null)LinkN/ANoneNone
8WEAPONIZE AUTISM (Econ)20Real United FC Reddit Dota Two Club (Killerkarate)LinkLinkNoneNone
8The Wisp Strikes Back (Vynil)20Crystal Madden (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
7Bend over for the Clock (Shea Dr.)02STACK AND PULL (NEAR)LinkLinkNoneNone
7It's not a Phase, Mom (Phase.)20Emilio Esteveeesstehves (DARERFANGAY)LinkLinkNoneNone
7HIT IT& CRIT IT (腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 黄)20Special Scoopa Sauce (g-money )LinkLinkNoneNone
7LULagon and The Infinity Pebbles (Nullagon)11IKEA (skkip)LinkLinkNoneNone
7Flox n' Furies (Melliflox)20Anthony Fantano Here! (Xccepted)LinkLinkNoneNone
7The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test (pacer)20Big Billy's Bulging Banana Boys (Badger)LinkLinkNoneNone
7TEAM Reester (Dark Smoke)11Traps Aren't Gay (Zypher)LinkLinkNoneNone
7Preparation HHH (null)02Strider and the Archons (Cooper)N/AN/AHomeHome
7Deja Vu! (ChiD)20PMA Gaming (USSGuam)LinkLinkNoneNone
7Vikings (Mikel)11nuttybuttys 3.0 (nuttypizza)LinkLinkNoneNone
74 Pants and 1 Zipper (Zphyr)20WEAPONIZE AUTISM (Econ)LinkLinkNoneNone
7Colin and his Illegitimate Sons (Colin)20Foreskin: A Screaming Comes Across the Sky (CAPTAIN GOTARD)LinkLinkNoneNone
7Real United FC Reddit Dota Two Club (Killerkarate)11Crystal Madden (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
7> Game is hard (null)205 baboons 1 yeti (Cloudy)LinkLinkNoneNone
7Cloud 10 (TheJohan)02The Wisp Strikes Back (Vynil)LinkN/ANoneHome
6Special Scoopa Sauce (g-money )11It's not a Phase, Mom (Phase.)LinkLinkNoneNone
6Vikings (Mikel)02Flox n' Furies (Melliflox)LinkLinkNoneNone
6Anthony Fantano Here! (Xccepted)20RedondO Mid LMFAO (RedondO)LinkN/ANoneAway
6IKEA (skkip)11Foreskin: A Screaming Comes Across the Sky (CAPTAIN GOTARD)LinkLinkNoneNone
6HIT IT& CRIT IT (腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 黄)205 baboons 1 yeti (Cloudy)N/AN/AAwayAway
64 Pants and 1 Zipper (Zphyr)11Deja Vu! (ChiD)LinkLinkNoneNone
6Bend over for the Clock (Shea Dr.)11Colin and his Illegitimate Sons (Colin)LinkLinkNoneNone
6Big Billy's Bulging Banana Boys (Badger)11Crystal Madden (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
6Traps Aren't Gay (Zypher)11PMA Gaming (USSGuam)LinkLinkNoneNone
6Emilio Esteveeesstehves (DARERFANGAY)20Real United FC Reddit Dota Two Club (Killerkarate)LinkLinkNoneNone
6The Wisp Strikes Back (Vynil)11Preparation HHH (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
6nuttybuttys 3.0 (nuttypizza)20STACK AND PULL (NEAR)LinkLinkNoneNone
6Strider and the Archons (Cooper)20raul money crew (raul)LinkLinkNoneNone
6> Game is hard (null)02LULagon and The Infinity Pebbles (Nullagon)LinkLinkNoneNone
6TEAM Reester (Dark Smoke)20Cloud 10 (TheJohan)LinkLinkNoneNone
6The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test (pacer)02WEAPONIZE AUTISM (Econ)LinkLinkNoneNone
5Preparation HHH (null)02Big Billy's Bulging Banana Boys (Badger)LinkLinkNoneNone
5STACK AND PULL (NEAR)20HIT IT& CRIT IT (腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 黄)LinkLinkNoneNone
5IKEA (skkip)02Vikings (Mikel)LinkLinkNoneNone
5RedondO Mid LMFAO (RedondO)11Special Scoopa Sauce (g-money )LinkLinkNoneNone
5It's not a Phase, Mom (Phase.)20The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test (pacer)LinkLinkNoneNone
5Bend over for the Clock (Shea Dr.)11Foreskin: A Screaming Comes Across the Sky (CAPTAIN GOTARD)N/AN/ANoneNone
5Emilio Esteveeesstehves (DARERFANGAY)02Anthony Fantano Here! (Xccepted)LinkLinkNoneNone
54 Pants and 1 Zipper (Zphyr)11LULagon and The Infinity Pebbles (Nullagon)LinkLinkNoneNone
5Real United FC Reddit Dota Two Club (Killerkarate)11Traps Aren't Gay (Zypher)LinkLinkNoneNone
5Flox n' Furies (Melliflox)20nuttybuttys 3.0 (nuttypizza)LinkLinkNoneNone
5TEAM Reester (Dark Smoke)11raul money crew (raul)LinkLinkNoneNone
5Deja Vu! (ChiD)02Colin and his Illegitimate Sons (Colin)LinkLinkNoneNone
5> Game is hard (null)11PMA Gaming (USSGuam)LinkLinkNoneNone
55 baboons 1 yeti (Cloudy)20Strider and the Archons (Cooper)LinkLinkNoneNone
5Cloud 10 (TheJohan)11Crystal Madden (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
5The Wisp Strikes Back (Vynil)02WEAPONIZE AUTISM (Econ)LinkLinkNoneNone
4HIT IT& CRIT IT (腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 黄)02Flox n' Furies (Melliflox)LinkLinkNoneNone
4STACK AND PULL (NEAR)02IKEA (skkip)LinkN/ANoneNone
4RedondO Mid LMFAO (RedondO)02Vikings (Mikel)LinkLinkNoneNone
4TEAM Reester (Dark Smoke)11Big Billy's Bulging Banana Boys (Badger)LinkLinkNoneNone
4Special Scoopa Sauce (g-money )11Deja Vu! (ChiD)LinkLinkNoneNone
4Preparation HHH (null)02The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test (pacer)LinkLinkNoneNone
4nuttybuttys 3.0 (nuttypizza)20It's not a Phase, Mom (Phase.)LinkLinkNoneNone
44 Pants and 1 Zipper (Zphyr)11Anthony Fantano Here! (Xccepted)LinkLinkNoneNone
4Bend over for the Clock (Shea Dr.)20> Game is hard (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
45 baboons 1 yeti (Cloudy)02Emilio Esteveeesstehves (DARERFANGAY)LinkLinkNoneNone
4Real United FC Reddit Dota Two Club (Killerkarate)11LULagon and The Infinity Pebbles (Nullagon)LinkLinkNoneNone
4Traps Aren't Gay (Zypher)20Cloud 10 (TheJohan)N/AN/AAwayAway
4raul money crew (raul)11Crystal Madden (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
4Colin and his Illegitimate Sons (Colin)20Strider and the Archons (Cooper)LinkLinkNoneNone
4WEAPONIZE AUTISM (Econ)02PMA Gaming (USSGuam)LinkLinkNoneNone
4The Wisp Strikes Back (Vynil)02Foreskin: A Screaming Comes Across the Sky (CAPTAIN GOTARD)LinkLinkNoneNone
3IKEA (skkip)11Flox n' Furies (Melliflox)LinkLinkNoneNone
3Traps Aren't Gay (Zypher)02It's not a Phase, Mom (Phase.)LinkLinkNoneNone
3HIT IT& CRIT IT (腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 黄)20LULagon and The Infinity Pebbles (Nullagon)LinkLinkNoneNone
3Bend over for the Clock (Shea Dr.)20TEAM Reester (Dark Smoke)LinkN/ANoneAway
3Special Scoopa Sauce (g-money )02STACK AND PULL (NEAR)N/AN/AHomeHome
3Vikings (Mikel)204 Pants and 1 Zipper (Zphyr)LinkLinkNoneNone
3Preparation HHH (null)11Foreskin: A Screaming Comes Across the Sky (CAPTAIN GOTARD)LinkLinkNoneNone
3RedondO Mid LMFAO (RedondO)20Colin and his Illegitimate Sons (Colin)LinkLinkNoneNone
3Big Billy's Bulging Banana Boys (Badger)02WEAPONIZE AUTISM (Econ)LinkLinkNoneNone
3A Bunch of W33tards (HullCity07)11Crystal Madden (null)LinkN/ANoneNone
3PMA Gaming (USSGuam)11raul money crew (raul)LinkLinkNoneNone
3Emilio Esteveeesstehves (DARERFANGAY)20Stay Pawsitive (fspoon)N/AN/AAwayAway
3Anthony Fantano Here! (Xccepted)115 baboons 1 yeti (Cloudy)LinkLinkNoneNone
3Deja Vu! (ChiD)20Cloud 10 (TheJohan)LinkLinkNoneNone
3nuttybuttys 3.0 (nuttypizza)20Real United FC Reddit Dota Two Club (Killerkarate)LinkLinkNoneNone
3The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test (pacer)02> Game is hard (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
3Strider and the Archons (Cooper)11The Wisp Strikes Back (Vynil)LinkLinkNoneNone
2It's not a Phase, Mom (Phase.)20Big Billy's Bulging Banana Boys (Badger)LinkLinkNoneNone
2Vikings (Mikel)11HIT IT& CRIT IT (腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 黄)LinkLinkNoneNone
2A Bunch of W33tards (HullCity07)02Bend over for the Clock (Shea Dr.)LinkN/ANoneHome
2Deja Vu! (ChiD)02IKEA (skkip)LinkLinkNoneNone
2Traps Aren't Gay (Zypher)02Special Scoopa Sauce (g-money )LinkLinkNoneNone
24 Pants and 1 Zipper (Zphyr)20Emilio Esteveeesstehves (DARERFANGAY)LinkLinkNoneNone
2Colin and his Illegitimate Sons (Colin)20Preparation HHH (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
2TEAM Reester (Dark Smoke)11Anthony Fantano Here! (Xccepted)LinkLinkNoneNone
2RedondO Mid LMFAO (RedondO)11nuttybuttys 3.0 (nuttypizza)LinkLinkNoneNone
2Flox n' Furies (Melliflox)20Cloud 10 (TheJohan)LinkLinkNoneNone
2STACK AND PULL (NEAR)20The Wisp Strikes Back (Vynil)LinkLinkNoneNone
2Real United FC Reddit Dota Two Club (Killerkarate)20PMA Gaming (USSGuam)LinkLinkNoneNone
2raul money crew (raul)025 baboons 1 yeti (Cloudy)N/AN/AHomeHome
2LULagon and The Infinity Pebbles (Nullagon)20Stay Pawsitive (fspoon)N/AN/AAwayAway
2The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test (pacer)11Foreskin: A Screaming Comes Across the Sky (CAPTAIN GOTARD)LinkLinkNoneNone
2Strider and the Archons (Cooper)20Crystal Madden (null)LinkN/ANoneNone
2WEAPONIZE AUTISM (Econ)02> Game is hard (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
1Foreskin: A Screaming Comes Across the Sky (CAPTAIN GOTARD)20BYEBYEN/AN/AAwayAway
1Bend over for the Clock (Shea Dr.)02IKEA (skkip)LinkLinkNoneNone
1RedondO Mid LMFAO (RedondO)20It's not a Phase, Mom (Phase.)LinkLinkNoneNone
1Flox n' Furies (Melliflox)20A Bunch of W33tards (HullCity07)LinkLinkNoneNone
14 Pants and 1 Zipper (Zphyr)11Preparation HHH (null)LinkN/ANoneNone
1Special Scoopa Sauce (g-money )20raul money crew (raul)LinkLinkNoneNone
1WEAPONIZE AUTISM (Econ)02HIT IT& CRIT IT (腐蝕ルサンチマン、不死欲の猿楽座 黄)LinkLinkNoneNone
1Traps Aren't Gay (Zypher)20Strider and the Archons (Cooper)LinkLinkNoneNone
1Cloud 10 (TheJohan)20Big Billy's Bulging Banana Boys (Badger)LinkLinkNoneNone
1PMA Gaming (USSGuam)11TEAM Reester (Dark Smoke)LinkLinkNoneNone
1Emilio Esteveeesstehves (DARERFANGAY)11Colin and his Illegitimate Sons (Colin)LinkLinkNoneNone
1Vikings (Mikel)20> Game is hard (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
1Anthony Fantano Here! (Xccepted)11Real United FC Reddit Dota Two Club (Killerkarate)LinkLinkNoneNone
1LULagon and The Infinity Pebbles (Nullagon)11The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test (pacer)LinkLinkNoneNone
1Deja Vu! (ChiD)20Crystal Madden (null)LinkLinkNoneNone
1nuttybuttys 3.0 (nuttypizza)205 baboons 1 yeti (Cloudy)LinkN/ANoneNone
1The Wisp Strikes Back (Vynil)11Stay Pawsitive (fspoon)LinkLinkNoneNone