I am comfortabl…I am comfortable on any role, I just love playing dota. I have played pos 5 in RD2L, but I am flexible.
Archon 5, 2930 mmr. Available most evenings.
I'm looking forward to my first season! I love competition of all kinds and love playing with a team. I am willing and eager to listen and learn.
I play pretty…I play pretty much only mid, I suck at support. I am in high school and have high school sports every week. Here is my alt account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199062144301/ couldn't find it on dotabuff.
I'm back from…I'm back from the ****, going back to the grind not as much as I used too. If you know me you know me congratz. I play carry. Maybe some mid but no. I don't play the usally shit like PA, Troll, TB, I play the fun shit carry IO, Pudge some MK. I will always be on time or around 10 late, if you know why you know why. People call me toxic or trash idk up to you maybe both. I will eat bans 100%, Mostly likely if you pick me we will go 8-8 and lose to the champ or semi finalist. Don't look at S20.
Came 2nd last…Came 2nd last season somehow with lowest MMR average team while picking pudge/pos 4 dark seer/techies every game xd, have pretty much only played LoL for the last month cause hate Sven (except for some tournament games) while somehow still losing 700 mmr in the last 2 months too, Ld2l MaStErS WiNneR HehE, and if all of that isn't cursed enough for you I'm also a meepo spammer lol
(P1, 4 or cheese mid only plz)
Not participati…Not participating in any leagues. Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/236761601 , Pos 1 is def my most comfortable role but I can also do Pos 2/3 - my 4/5 are pretty bad compared to the other roles. I have experience drafting as well and have no problem being a drafter.
Want to play…Want to play position 4, can stand in as 5 as needed. I love playing aggressively in lane and sacrificing my lane so that my offlaner gets a great start and the opposing carry gets thrown off his game. like... aggressive.
So this just…So this just occured on a casual match. I was playing as pyro and all of a sudden I heard the girls voice. The rest of apes were pushing to talk with her. But I waited my turn. Then, I held onto talking with her on voice chat for more than 5 minutes, with multiple interuptins. People called me simp, small dicked, incest lover, feet lover, etc. But her and I kept talking and it felt amazing. Does this indicate I have some sort of high social IQ if I filter out bullshit while talking to girls?
Top 8 last…Top 8 last season with a pretty chill but active team after a long hiatus from RD2L. Looking to play with a similar team this season and place higher. If you don't wanna scrim I'd rather play with a captain who does. I may not have played much since last season, but who doesn't enjoy a break from dota after gaining 800 mmr in two months.
Most comfortable on 5/4, but I can make plays from the offlane just fine. If you're looking for someone to click creeps though, look for someone else.
I'm not…I'm not currently calibrated but I've played off and on since 2014. The highest mmr I ever reached was about 3k. In my calibration matches, I've been placed somewhere around the crusader range. Feel free to look at my dotabuff.
I'm happy to…I'm happy to learn anything needed. I'm in the mini league right now but that's it. I don't have any other accounts. I don't know why my stats page is so messed up in the screenshot but