Per usual just…Per usual just looking to have fun, not particularly sweaty. Like to foster an environment of positivity and helping one another improve at the game. If you get drafted by me do not feel that your voice will be undervalued, discussion makes for the most enjoyable teams.
Dotabuffs for scouting:
Just letting…Just letting you know that if you overbid for me (over 315) we will likely lose. I do best when I have other high mmr players on the team, and I WILL NOT shotcall if no one else does. Things will not go well for either of us if I am your primary source of information either in draft or game. Thanks!
I will max bid…I will max bid Skater. Playing MD2L on Wednesdays and PST Sun on some day of the week. No smurfs because people who smurf (FatSloth) are cringe (CringeSloth)
I am continuall…I am continually refining my skills as an offlane player and am excited to further advance during this upcoming season. Additionally, I am fully committed to giving my utmost to any team that welcomes me, aiming to bolster their success on a week-to-week basis as an offlaner. While I am not inclined to play in positions 1, 2, or 5, I have experience as a position 4 player and am open to stepping into that role if necessary. I am eagerly anticipating an enjoyable and rewarding season ahead.
Availability is…Availability is flexible, and most evenings are open. PMA- I really only play mid and very much live by the words "only forward, no back!".
Plan on being…Plan on being in both est-mon and est-tue. MMR is higher than shown (~3.5k) as I play with low mmr friends often which drags my mmr down because they suck.